Are Coloured Contact Lenses Safe?

Are Coloured Contact Lenses Safe?

Plano vs Prescription | Types | Natural Colours | Light Eyes | Dark Eyes | FAQ | Safety Tips | Kids | Eye Infection

Whether it is for Halloween costumes, comic cosplay conventions, theatrical performances, or personal beauty reasons, there is a growing interest in decorative lenses.

People choose to wear contacts for many reasons. Besides their normal corrective function, many people wear contacts for aesthetic and cosmetic reasons. Coloured contacts, in particular, have become very popular in recent years because of their immediate ability to change appearances drastically.

Plano vs. prescription contacts

Typically, coloured contacts, also known as decorative contact lenses, are available in both prescription and plano forms: 

  • Coloured contact lenses with a prescription: Changes your eye colour and corrects your vision whether you are nearsighted, farsighted or astigmatism.
  • Plano colour contacts: Changes your eye colour with no alternation for vision correction. This type of lens is also known as non prescription coloured contacts.

Read on to discover the benefits of wearing coloured contacts, as well as some risks you should be aware of before purchasing prescription coloured contacts.

Coloured contacts are a fun way to experiment, but it is important to know all the risk factors before trying them out.

Coloured contacts types

Worn for cosmetic purposes, most coloured contact lenses you will find are designed to mimic the natural look of the coloured part of the eye, called the iris.

In general, coloured contacts come in three kinds of tints:

  • Visibility tint lens: These lenses come with a light blue or light green tint that does not affect your natural eye colour. Their primary purpose is vision correction.
  • Enhancement tint: These lenses come with a solid but translucent tint that is a little bit darker than a visibility tint. They are worn to enhance your natural eye colour. These are best suited for wearers with light-coloured eyes who want to make their natural eye colour more intense.
  • Opaque tint: These lenses are non-transparent and can change your eye colour completely. You will need this tint to change your eye appearance if you have dark-coloured eyes.

What are the most naturally coloured contacts?

From the lens collection available at SmartBuyGlasses, Solotica offers a natural look. Combining groundbreaking technology and exceptional colour opacity, their lenses can transform dark eyes into breathtaking blue, green, gray, and brown. They are also available as prescription colour contact lenses too. 

Hidrocor is a popular collection because it does not have a limbal ring in the outer rim and has CE-certified, ANVISA-certified, and FAA-approved natural colour contacts. Natural colours, Aquarellas and our other collections offer soft and stunning looks.

Colour contacts for light eyes

Coloured contacts with enhancement tints are great for people with light-coloured eyes because they define the edges of your iris and deepen your natural eye colour without changing your eye colour completely. If your natural eye colour is blue, and you want to experiment with different shades and still want to keep a natural look, you could try a gray or green contact lens.

Colour contacts for dark eyes

If you have dark-coloured eyes and want to change your eye colour, you will have to use opaque tinted lenses to cover up your natural eye colour completely. Try a light honey brown or hazel colour for more natural tones.

Coloured contact lenses: frequently asked questions

Do I need a prescription to buy coloured contacts?

  • Coloured contact lenses are medical devices, so before you can buy your first pair of coloured lenses, you must have a valid eye prescription from a licensed optician. 
  • Even if you want plano lenses, you must visit a vision specialist beforehand and have them write you a prescription for wearing coloured contacts.

How to know if I am buying safe contact lenses?

  • Coloured contacts are absolutely safe – as long as they are properly prescribed, worn, and cared for. 
  • You should never buy or wear coloured contacts unless purchased “over the counter” with a proper prescription and approved by a licensed optician. Decorative contacts sold in flea markets, gas stations, or beauty salons are NOT approved medical devices; you should never buy or wear them.

What are the risks of coloured contacts?

  • Coloured contact lenses can increase the risk of eye infections, your cornea getting scratched and may also cause eye damage if used incorrectly.
  • Although it sounds fun and harmless, you should never share your coloured contact lenses with friends or family. Doing so greatly increases your chance of contracting harmful eye infections.

How to wear contact lenses safely: top tips

Wearing contact lenses can improve your vision and give you a different look, but it is important to wear them correctly. Here are some top tips on how to wear contact lenses safely, including essential information about hygiene, storage, and cleaning.

  • Wash your hands thoroughly before handling lenses.
  • Don’t wear your lenses longer than the recommended time limit.

  • Never sleep in your contact lenses.

  • Remove any makeup or dirt from your eyes before putting on lenses.

  • Use fresh solutions and clean cases when storing lenses.

  • Schedule an eye exam at least once a year to ensure everything is healthy.

Are coloured contacts safe for kids?

Halloween contact lenses are a popular choice for people of all ages who want to change their eye colour for an event or just for fun. While these lenses can be a safe and effective way to change your appearance, parents should be careful when considering costume contact lenses for their children. 

Contacts require proper care and hygiene to prevent infection and other complications, especially for kids who may not have the same level of responsibility as adults. It’s important to talk to an eye doctor before allowing your child to wear coloured contacts to ensure the lenses are safe, comfortable, and properly fitted for their eyes.

How to tell if you have an eye infection from contact lenses

If you wear any type of contact lens regularly, it’s important to keep an eye out for any signs of infection. Symptoms can include redness, swelling, eye pain, and discharge. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, remove your contacts immediately and see a doctor as soon as you can.

If you wear contact lenses, it may also cause skin irritation from inappropriate wear patterns. This health risk is greater among those wearing poorly-made colours or purchasing from unlicensed vendors. Always seek advice from a medical professional before purchasing any contact lens. If you need some quick, helpful advice, contact our online opticians for easy access to expert help.

Conjunctivitis: Self-Care and Causes

Conjunctivitis: Self-Care and Causes

What is it? | Different types | Self-care treatments | Medical care | Avoiding reinfection

Pink eye is the common name for conjunctivitis, an eye infection. Learn about its causes and treatments in this article.

What is pink eye or conjunctivitis?

Itchy eyes, watery discharge or pinkness in the eyes? You might just have conjunctivitis. Commonly known as ‘pink eye’ because of the characteristic colour that appears in the eye, conjunctivitis is the inflammation of the thin, clear covering of the white part of the eye and the inside of the eyelids (conjunctiva).

But don’t fret. It’s a very common infection and easily treated. Read on to find out more about this common infection – and how to avoid catching it in the first place.

Different types of conjunctivitis

There are three types of conjunctivitis; bacterial, viral and allergic. Before we look at the differences between these three, let’s look at the similarities. All three generally develop when you have a weakened immune system, such as a cold (virus) or a sore throat (virus or bacteria). All three are highly contagious. 

Finally, although it is helpful to read guides like these to try and identify which type you may have before seeing an eye doctor, it is vital not to self-diagnose and very important that you seek medical help on the first symptoms of pink eye.


The chlorine in swimming pools can irritate the eyes and lead to conjunctivitis.

Bacterial conjunctivitis

Bacterial conjunctivitis is caused by bacteria that spreads to your eyes from your respiratory system or your skin. You can also catch it if you rub your eyes when your hands aren’t clean, use eye makeup (mascara) that has been contaminated, or share other things that your eyes touch (like a towel) with someone who has conjunctivitis. 

Contact lenses can also be a vector for carrying conjunctiva mucous. Best practice is to always use new (daily lenses) or clean lenses (reusable) and washed hands to insert them.

Whether you have contracted bacterial conjunctivitis or not, you should throw out any contact lenses after use. In the case of pink eye, take a break from contacts until it clears up completely. Once your eyes are back to full health, it’s safe to use contacts again, but be sure to use a new, fresh pair.

Viral pink eye

Conversely, viral pink eye is caused by viruses like the herpes simplex virus. You can catch it when someone who is infected sneezes or coughs near you and the droplets come into contact with your eyes.

Allergic conjunctivitis

Allergic conjunctivitis happens when your eyes come into contact with pollen and become red, itchy, and watery. It is an eye inflammation caused by an allergic reaction and is normally a short-term condition in comparison to the former two.

Conjunctivitis self-care treatments

Conjunctivitis is easy to treat and most cases usually clear up by themselves in 1-2 weeks. You can use medically prescribed antibiotics and eye drops to help clear up a bacterial infection quicker than waiting for it to heal itself.

To help ease discomfort while the infection clears, you can also use lubricating eye drops to prevent your eyes from getting too dry, put cold ice packs against your eyes to soothe swelling, and clean the discharge from your eyes with a wet cloth or tissue.

It is important to note that these home care recommendations aren’t a replacement for medical treatment. They are extra tips to help ease discomfort during your healing journey but should not be used instead of a doctor’s recommendation or prescribed medication.

Bacterial conjunctivitis home care

Bacterial conjunctivitis, also known as bacterial pink eye, is a highly contagious condition that affects the membrane lining the outer surface of the eye. 

While antibiotic eye drops are the most effective treatment option, there are a few home remedies that can also provide additional relief. For example, normal over-the-counter drops can help with itching and provide temporary relief. Look for “lubricating” drops or “artificial tears”.

Other remedies include the use of warm compresses to reduce inflammation, keeping the affected eye clean and avoiding shared items such as towels or pillows. However, please note that home remedies should not be relied upon solely and that medical attention should be sought if symptoms persist or worsen.

Viral pink eye home care

Viral pink eye, also known as viral conjunctivitis, can be a bothersome and highly contagious condition. While antibiotic treatment is the best course of action for healing the virus, some home remedies can relieve symptoms and aid this healing process along with medication.

For instance, placing a cool compress over your affected eye for 10-15 minutes can help reduce inflammation and ease discomfort. 

Another effective remedy is applying aloe vera gel, which is known for its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, of course, keeping your hands clean and avoiding touching your eyes can help prevent the spread of the infection.

Allergic pink eye home care

Allergic pinkeye, also known as allergic conjunctivitis, is a condition caused by an allergic reaction such as hay fever, resulting in the inflammation of the conjunctiva. Symptoms include redness, itching, and watery eyes.

In addition to any medical care you receive, there are home remedies that can help control the allergic reaction and alleviate symptoms. Some of these remedies include using a cold compress with a fresh cotton ball and clean water, avoiding allergens, and rinsing the eyes with saline solution regularly.

It is always best to visit a doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan, but these remedies can provide some relief in the meantime.

When to seek medical care

If you’re experiencing any symptoms of pink eye, such as redness, itching, and green or white discharge from the eye, it’s important to seek medical care. A medical professional can diagnose pink eye and recommend the appropriate treatment, whether it be prescription eye drops, medication, or ointments.

It’s especially important to seek medical care if you wear contact lenses, as pink eye can cause significant complications and may even lead to vision loss if left untreated. Don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider if you suspect you have pink eye.

How to avoid reinfection

Once your pink eye has cleared up, it’s important to avoid reinfecting yourself. Make sure you throw out any eye makeup or applicators you used when you had conjunctivitis, and get rid of disposable contact lenses and solutions if you used them during your infection. 

Thoroughly disinfect hard contact lenses, eyeglasses and your lens cases – all three can harbour bacteria. You can read more about how to properly clean these items in our helpful guides available at our Optical Center.

Tinted Glasses

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By Emma Moletto
Reviewed by Sharlene Mckeeman FBDO
Sharlene is a qualified dispensing optician with over 7 years optical experience, a member of the Association of British Dispensing Opticians and registered with the General Optical Council.
With tinted eyeglasses and sunglasses, you can get different benefits to better your vision and maintain your eye health.
people wearing tinted glasses

Today’s eyewear comes in a variety of different colours and with many different features and add-ons. For those with a more specific use in mind for their eyewear, it is worth checking the options for tinted lenses

Besides the fact that there are multiple types of eyeglass tinting to opt for, they all have unique benefits that they bring with various suggested uses. 

What are tinted glasses?

Tinted glasses are simply a type of sunglasses or eyeglasses lens. They are created by coating a UV-blocking lens with different tints: blue, green, brown, yellow etc. 

Tinted lenses are both a fashion statement and a great way to protect your eyes against harmful UV rays and enhance the contrast.

There are two types of tinted eyewear, solid and gradient tint. Solid-tinted lenses are the most popular and have one colour applied to the entire lens. 

Gradient lenses (not to be confused with photochromic lenses) usually transition from a plain colour at the top towards a clear lens at the bottom of the frame. 

Unlike photochromic lenses, the lens coating stays gradual and does not change according to the sunlight.

What are tinted glasses for?

Deciding what colour tint is best for sunglasses can change depending on your lifestyle and what you will do while wearing your sunglasses. 

Lighter tints can be great to add a little style to your look, while darker tints can provide more visual comfort in different light and weather conditions.

Green-tinted sunglasses

Green lenses are considered the most protective type, as this tint blocks blue light and UV rays, reducing eye strain and glare in bright environments. These tinted lenses are great for:

  • Rainy or sunny weather conditions
  • Golf  and  tennis
  • Outdoor activities
GREEN Tinted Glasses
GREEN Tinted Glasses

Blue/purple-tinted sunglasses

Blue and purple-tinted glasses improve colour perception and object contours. They offer great protection from reflective surfaces like water and snow. The features of these tinted eyeglasses are ideal for:

  • Eliminating sun glare
  • Misty, foggy, and snowy weather conditions
  • Hockey
  • Cricket
BLUE Tinted Glasses
BLUE Tinted Glasses

Red/pink-tinted sunglasses

Red or pink lenses soothe the eyes as they block blue light and minimise eye strain and glare from screens. They can also improve depth perception and enhance details. When are they suitable to wear?

  • Driving / Racing
  • Skiing  and other winter sports
RED Tinted Glasses
RED Tinted Glasses

Dark amber, copper, or brown-tinted sunglasses

Dark amber, copper or brown lenses are usually indicated for people with myopia, as they can help enhance contrast and clarity. 

These lens colours also provide UV protection and can help judge distance in hazy and foggy conditions. The activities that pair well with these tints include:

  • Driving
  • Fishing
  • High altitude sports
BROWN Tinted Glasses
BROWN Tinted Glasses

Grey and black-tinted sunglasses

Grey and black lenses are a fantastic option for everyday use and work on bright and overcast days. This option of coloured lenses provides accurate colour perception while offering the most significant light reduction, reducing eyestrain. 

You should grab a pair if you are into the following:

  • Water sports
  • Deep-sea fishing
  • Very sunny conditions
  • Baseball
BLACK Tinted Glasses
BLACK Tinted Glasses

Yellow-tinted glasses

Yellow tints filter out blue light and help the eyes pick out soft colours, which is beneficial in low-light conditions such as indoor sports and overcast days. Ideal activities for this colour of tinted sunglasses are:

  • Hiking in shaded areas
  • Mountain biking
  • Indoor use
  • Driving
YELLOW Tinted Glasses
YELLOW Tinted Glasses

Are tinted lenses worth it?

The importance of eyeglass tinting becomes evident after using the correct lenses for your activities. Tinted lenses provide adjustments that help you go through your day with ease. 

For example, they equip wearers with the best alteration to stay safe when enjoying their favourite pastimes and sports. 

  • They can help with photophobia, providing visual comfort to light-sensitive individuals
  • They can be used indoors and outdoors for better visibility. Tinted lenses can be great both outside as protection from the sun’s UV light as well as inside to safeguard your eyes from the blue light emitted by digital devices
  • Style and fashion options
  • More affordable than polarised sunglasses
  • Reduce visual stress 
benefits of tinted glasses
benefits of tinted glasses

What are the disadvantages of tinted lenses?

Tinted eyeglasses and sunglasses also have a few downsides worth noting:

  • They can sometimes cause colour distortion
  • No advanced glare protection: Tinted lenses do not reduce glare/horizontal reflection
disadvantages of tinted glasses
disadvantages of tinted glasses

What is the difference between tinted and polarised lenses?

The main difference between polarised and tinted lenses is that polarisation reduces glare to the minimum.

Polarised lenses protect your eyes from UVA or UVB radiation; they also cut out horizontal light reflected from surfaces that create a distracting glare, making it difficult to see. Polarised sunglasses also enhance colour perception.

Moreover, polarisation is a filter integrated directly into the lens material, while the tints applied to glasses and sunglasses are an additional add-on.

Overall, polarised lenses remain a great option for anyone who spends a considerable amount of time outdoors, particularly on the water, where they can drastically improve comfort and safety.


Tinting is an add-on added to your lenses, while polarisation is a filter integrated into the lens material. Tinted sunglasses are great for reducing brightness and UV rays, but they don’t necessarily eliminate harsh glare like polarised sunglasses can.

Should I try tinted lenses?

Glasses and sunglasses are not just fashion accessories; depending on what tint you choose, you can get different benefits to better your vision and maintain your eye health.

At SmartBuyGlasses, you can combine your prescription or plano lenses with grey, brown and green tints (even in different gradients) to match them with your needs and activities.

If you’re looking for guidance on adding a pair of tinted glasses to your wardrobe and are unsure where to start, talk to your eye doctor or our online team of certified opticians. They can help narrow your options to match your budget, needs and lifestyle. 

Thin Glasses Frames – Are They Right for You?

Thin Glasses Frames – Are They Right for You?

Advantages | Do they suit you? | Lens prescriptions | Lightest weight frames | Practicality and style

Finding it challenging to decide which glasses frames to wear next? This guide will help.
Thought thin glasses frames were strictly reserved for older generations? Think again. Among fashion-forward men and women, thin-frame glasses are now linked with a sophisticated, elegant aesthetic.

Advantages of thin glasses frames

There are a few benefits to choosing thin glasses frames. Here are just some of them. 


Glasses with thin frames have a range of advantages, the most appealing being comfort. When you have a light frame material, your glasses weigh less, meaning a more comfortable experience.

No nose bridge imprint

Say goodbye to that unsightly nose bridge imprint! You know the one. Removing your eyewear shouldn’t have you feeling self-conscious about the mark left by nose pads.

Fortunately, with thin glasses frames you can be reassured that you are much less likely to experience this issue.

The minimal force at the points of contact between your face and glasses can make a big difference over a whole day of wearing your specs.

If you have a high prescription, you may still experience added weight on your nose, so this is something to consider when looking at thin frame glasses.

Snug fit

Continuously nudging your eyeglasses back up the bridge of your nose? Nudge no more. Thinner frames lend themselves to a closer fit on your face. 

Coupled with the lightweight, slim design of thin frame eyeglasses, you no longer need to deal with them sliding down your nose. 

Even those with thick lenses can enjoy this benefit. Thanks to technological advancements, it is easier to find lenses that fit your strong prescription needs and still offer sleek, thin lenses. 

However, if, for example, you have -7.00 prescription in a 1.74 lens index, your glasses overall would still be thicker and heavier.

Do thin frames suit you?

Thin glasses frames offer a distinct look, and the benefit of lightweight comfort. Consider the below points when deciding whether they should be your next pair.

Give it personality

The right pair of eyeglasses needs to tick the function and style boxes for every wearer. Especially if you wear yours regularly, they should complement your look.

If you’re after a bold aesthetic, don’t shy away from these frames on account of their narrowness. Play with colour and materials to make your look stylish, while still enjoying the lightweight design.

Face shape

Determining which face shape you have is useful to help you narrow down the types of frames you should consider. Oval, square, round, and heart… all of these face shapes have an ideal thin glasses frame pairing.

You can use our convenient face shape guide to see which category you fall into, as well as some tips for each face type.

What about your lens prescription?

Your lens prescription will have a role to play in the frames you wear. For each prescription, there is a recommended lens index. 

The lens index indicates how light refracts through a lens, and in conjunction with your prescription, indicates the thickness; the higher the index, the thinner and lighter the lens can be made.

With a low index, your choice of eyeglass frames is narrowed down because your lenses are thicker, requiring the right frames to comfortably fit into. 

With a high index, you may find you have more options to choose from, or could even go with a rimless option.

Finding the lightest weight frames

So, we already know that thin frame glasses are naturally more lightweight than their thicker framed counterparts. 

You can also explore different materials, like metallic or acetate, to lighten the weight of your glasses even more.

Stainless steel

Stainless steel thin metal glasses frames have the advantage of being durable, strong, non-corrosive, and tend to be more affordable than some other popular metal materials like aluminum.


Flexon is a popular choice for those with an active lifestyle. It’s a titanium alloy, and because it’s able to return to its original shape after being bent or twisted, it’s flexibility is suited to those who spend their time out and about. 

Constantly bending and snapping your glasses? Flexon could be a good material for your frames.


Strong and resistant to corrosion, titanium is another popular option for those who want their thin metal glasses frames to last. 

If you have sensitive skin, titanium could be a smart choice if you want a metallic frame; its hypoallergenic, so it won’t irritate your skin.


Titanium has evolved into one of the most desirable materials for all types of items.


If a metallic frame isn’t for you, you can experiment with colours by choosing acetate. Ideal for men and women who want to keep their look simple yet fashionable, these lightweight frames offer a sophisticated choice. 

Experiment with different colours and finishes for a style that suits you.

Balance practicality with style

Choosing eyeglass frames can be challenging when you have such a variety of styles to shop from. 

Now that you know about the different materials and colours to choose from, you can browse with confidence knowing that a pair of thin frame glasses allows you to enjoy the benefits of practicality while staying stylish.

Still need that extra confirmation about whether a pair suits you? Try out our easy-to-use Virtual Try-On tool

What Are Asian Fit Glasses?

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By Anna MacGabhann
Reviewed by Beck Jinnette
Beck Jinnette

Reviewed by

Beck Jinnette
Beck has over 17 years of experience in eye care, holding her Certificate IV in Dispensing in Australia.
Depending on your facial features, Asian fit glasses may be the best for you. They have special features that give you the most comfortable fit and stops the frames from sliding down your nose.
asian fit

If you are having problems with your glasses fitting your face comfortably, then this article all about Asian fit has the answers you are looking for. 

Do you find that your glasses sit tightly, always slide down your nose or sit too close to your eyelashes? Then maybe your face is telling you to upgrade to a pair that fits your facial features the way they are supposed to.

What does Asian fit mean in glasses?

We all look different and we all have different facial features. Just think about how, nowadays, anyone can unlock their phone by simply placing it in front of their face.

When choosing a pair of glasses, remember that what fits your face won’t necessarily fit another – just like your face is the only one to unlock your phone. It could be your eye shape, bone structure and so on. 

Do you feel that your glasses do not correctly fit your face because they are too tight at the temples or always slip down your nose? For people with lower nose bridges and high cheekbones in particular this is a common issue. Due to the diversity among facial features, standard glasses aren’t always the right fit.

We have a solution!

Asian fit glasses are designed specifically to help avoid these issues. Also known as low bridge fit glasses or Omni fit, Asian fit eyewear can be more comfortable for people of Asian descent but is also not limited to them.

Asian fit sunglasses and glasses cater to specific facial features. If your answer is yes to any of these questions below, then you may want to consider getting yourself a pair of low bridge fit glasses:

  • Do you have flatter facial features?
  • A rounder and wider face?
  • A low nose bridge and/or higher cheekbones?

If you’ve said yes to 1 or more of the above questions, then sit back and let’s have a look at what your face is saying.

Humans have adapted to their environment and climate for centuries, and based on these factors, our bodies have mutated to fit our surroundings, even our facial features.

Our noses, for example, have adapted to diverse climates, and if you live in a more humid climate, you’ll tend to have a wider nose to allow for more air to flow.

woman wearing glasses

Facial features

In the Asian community, many tend to have a lower nasal bridge, the part that is between your eyes and close to your forehead. Therefore the bridge of your nose is lower than your pupils, making it harder for the glasses to sit correctly on your face and align with your vision. 

If you have higher cheekbones, your glasses will tend to touch your cheeks, so when you talk or smile, you’ll see your glasses move as well. If your eyewear is always leaning on your cheeks, it can be uncomfortable.

With a wider and rounder face, standard glasses can be a little tighter around the temples or quite often sit too high on your face.

Can non-Asians wear Asian fit glasses?

Whether you are from an Asian community or not, having these particular facial features may entail that Asian fit glasses are designed specifically for you. If you have a smaller face shape you may also opt for an Asian fit.

What is the difference between Asian fit and standard fit?

Now that we’ve established who and for which particular facial features Asian fit glasses are, we can see exactly how they work. 

3 main aspects make Asian fit glasses a little different from Standard fit glasses:

  • Asian-fit glasses are designed with larger nose pads that ensure the glasses sit correctly on your face and away from your eyelashes. Standard fit glasses, instead, have a shorter bridge meaning that they may not fit well if you have a low nose bridge. 
  • The lenses are shorter, wider, and slightly tilted. This helps prevent the glasses from constantly touching your cheek and helps to create a gap between your face and the lenses. With your glasses sitting further away from your face, you’ll also reduce the risk of your eyewear fogging up, a pain every glasses wearer endures.  
  • The frame is wider and slightly curved for rounder and prominent heart face shapes, to prevent the glasses from being too tight at the temples or sitting too high on your face. 

 Round and heart-shaped faces tend to have a wider forehead which means that some regular or smaller size glasses would be too tight and squeeze your face. If you are not entirely sure what your face shape is, you can easily find out with our shape face guide.

glasses guide
glasses guide

Are Asian fit glasses smaller?

Just like any clothing item that we wear, even glasses have a particular size, whether they are standard fit or Asian fit. They are smaller in some aspects, but it will depend on the measurement.

Sunglasses, and glasses in general, have 3 different measurements:

  1. The first measurement indicates your lens width
  2. The second number is the width of the bridge
  3. The third is the temple width

Extra nose pad features

For Onmi fit glasses, you want to ensure that the bridge or nose pads have the right size to sit correctly on your nose. The size can also differ depending on the frame material used.

Generally, bridge measurements on standard-fit glasses vary from 14-24 mm, but if it is too wide on your nose bridge, the glasses may slip down.

There are many differences between Asian and Standard fit glasses. Finding out if you need Asian fit can make your experience much more comfortable.

Frame type

Plastic frames with a solid nose bridge for Asian fit glasses can measure around 8mm and this helps provide support and less slipping. A great example is Ray-Ban Asian fit glasses, which sit just right on your face and avoid any touching between your cheeks and glasses. 

Many metal frames, for example, have adjustable nose pads that you can adjust to fit the glasses properly on each side of your nose. Certain metal frames can have a nose bridge of up to 11mm. Measurements for low bridge glasses can tend to be lower than the standard fit but do vary. But don’t let all these numbers stop you from getting a pair of trendy and cool Asian fit glasses.

Great-looking, better-fitting glasses

If you have a low nose bridge, wide and flat facial features or high cheekbones, then most probably Asian fit glasses are just the right eyewear for you. 

Look trendy with a pair of  Asian fit eyeglasses  or low bridge sunglasses that fit; avoid the pain of your eyewear moving inconveniently or them fogging up your vision because they are too close to your face.

Astigmatism: Causes, Types, Symptoms & Treatment

Astigmatism: Causes, Types, Symptoms & Treatment

What is it | Causes | Symptoms | Types | Online test | Correction

Learn what astigmatism is, the difference types, and what you can do to correct this vision problem.

When life gets blurry, adjust your vision. Have you found yourself wondering why your vision is blurred or distorted? Do you also get eyestrain or headaches with this unfocused vision? These may be early signs of astigmatism. Read on as we uncover what astigmatism is and what the main causes are.

What is astigmatism, and how does astigmatism affect vision?

Astigmatism is an eye condition where the cornea has an irregular shape. It is not perfectly round, so it cannot focus light evenly onto the retina located in the back of the eye.

Normal corneas are round, but if you have astigmatism, you have a more oval cornea. Experts refer to this as a refractive eye error, similar to hyperopia and myopia. This results in distorted or blurred vision at all distances, which can be easily corrected.


There are 2 main types of astigmatism but there is also other kinds based on other rfeactive issues.

What causes astigmatism?

The main cause of astigmatism is the lens’s or eye curvature’s irregularity. In some cases, people are born with astigmatism. In other cases, it can still be genetic but only develop after years. Other causes of astigmatism can be induced after eye surgery, an injury, or caused by an eye disease. 

Usually, people can develop astigmatism alongside other visual impairments, such as farsightedness and nearsightedness.

Astigmatism symptoms

The extent of astigmatism will affect the level of blurriness in your vision, some may be more severe than others. Other symptoms, alongside blurred and distorted vision, can also include headaches, eyestrain, and difficulty seeing at night.

If, as an adult, you begin to experience blurred vision, you should have an eye test to check for astigmatism or other visual impairments. It is, however, recommended you have a regular eye check-up at least every 2 years or more frequently if you suffer from an existing eye problem.

For children, having regular eye tests is best to help detect any early signs of astigmatism, as some younger kids may not initially be aware of the visual problem.

Types of astigmatism

There are 2 main types of astigmatism:

  1. Corneal astigmatism. This is the most common and is caused by a misshapen cornea. 
  2. Lenticular astigmatism. Similar to the previous one but affects the lens instead. Some people can have a well-shaped cornea but still have lenticular astigmatism.

However, based on the different refractive errors, there are other types of astigmatism: 

  1. Myopic astigmatism: Nearsightedness combined with astigmatism happens when both curves are fixated in front of the retina. 
  2. Hyperopic astigmatism: Farsightedness and astigmatism in the eye where both curves are fixated behind the retina.
  3. Mixed astigmatism: This happens when curves are both near and far-sighted.

Astigmatism can also be identified in two other ways. Regular astigmatism occurs when the curves are at 90 degrees, so perpendicular. On the other hand, irregular astigmatism doesn’t have curves at 90 degrees.

Can I do an astigmatism test online?

To understand if you suffer from astigmatism, you can do a self-astigmatism test online.  

There are 2 easy ways to quickly diagnose astigmatism. These basic astigmatism tests can be done from the comfort of your home.

They can help you then decide whether you need to consult an eye specialist to get a more detailed evaluation of your vision needs. If you already wear prescription glasses or contact lenses, you can take these tests while wearing either.

The line test

  1. Position yourself 2-10 feet away from the screen
  2. Start by closing one eye and looking carefully at the lines
  3. Repeat this with both eyes

If the lines appear to be the same colour and thickness, likely, you may not have astigmatism.  However, if there are differences, your vision is likely blurred, and you may have astigmatism. You should consult your eye specialist at your earliest convenience.

The dial test

  1. Position yourself 2-10 feet away from the screen.
  2. Start by closing one eye and looking carefully at the lines.
  3. Repeat this with both eyes.

If the lines appear similarly dark, likely, you may not have astigmatism. However, if one or more lines appear darker than the rest, you may have astigmatism. You should consult your eye specialist at your earliest convenience.

Another way to check for astigmatism is to take a trip to your local optician for an eye test. The optician can identify whether or not you have astigmatism and what type of correction you may need. 

There are 3 types of astigmatism tests an eye doctor can perform: 

  1. Refraction: When during an eye test, you look at an eye chart which helps determine if you have refractive errors, like astigmatism. This particular test helps to see how your eyes can bend light.
  2. Keratometry: This will help measure the cornea’s curvature and see how much astigmatism you have. This a useful test if you want to use contact lenses.
  3. Corneal topography: This can give you a detailed map and measurement of the cornea and can help detect irregular astigmatism.

How to correct astigmatism?

In general, astigmatism can be corrected. For almost all types of astigmatism, glasses and contact lenses can help correct your blurred or distorted vision. In the case where your astigmatism is very mild, you may actually not need any corrective lenses at all.

There is also laser eye surgery to help correct astigmatism, known as refractive surgery. This type of operation helps reshape your cornea and is permanent. In any case, you should consult an eye doctor for a comprehensive eye exam before deciding what type of correction you may need to treat astigmatism.


As we know, various types of lens materials can be used to help correct visual impairments. Some of the most used materials for lenses are:

  • Polycarbonate
  • High-Index
  • Trivex
  • Plastic (standard)

The type of lens material will depend on the severity of astigmatism, and usually, the higher it is, the thinner your lenses should be, like high-index lenses. High-index is more expensive but is lightweight and provides high visual clarity.

If you have mild astigmatism and your prescription is lower than 1.00, plastic lenses can be a good choice and are also more affordable than other materials. For moderate or more severe astigmatism, you may consider investing a little more money in polycarbonate, Trivex, or even high-index lenses.

Contact lenses

There are various uses for contact lenses, whether you wear them occasionally, daily, or monthly. The types of contacts you can use to help correct astigmatism are:

Soft lenses can be used if you have mild astigmatism. Known for its soft and flexible material that can be divided into daily disposables, weekly/monthly disposables, and extended wear. For this type, you’d be given toric lenses to help correct your astigmatism.

Rigid contact lenses can also be used to help correct astigmatism. The type of hard contacts used are called RGP (rigid gas permeable) and initially are not as comfortable as soft contacts. Many do find that RGP contacts allow for clearer vision and are good for correcting irregular astigmatism like Keratoconus.

There are also hybrid contact lenses you can use for astigmatism, which have a hard center (RGP) and softer edges. Compared to RGP contacts, hybrid ones are a little clearer but also a bit more expensive and usually custom-made for you.

So, what is astigmatism?

Essentially your eyes’ corneas have different shapes than normal ones, they look more oval rather than round. This oval shape is what causes blurry and distorted vision. It may be an early sign of astigmatism if you begin to experience distorted or blurry vision alongside eye strain and headaches.

Although astigmatism isn’t a serious eye health issue, you should consult an optician or do a self-test to identify it quickly. There’s no way to prevent astigmatism, but various ways exist to help correct it.

At SmartBuyGlasses, you’ll find the best correction for your astigmatism with a pair of prescription glasses or contact lenses. If you are interested in learning more about astigmatism, have a look at our Optical Center.

What is Pupillary Distance?

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What is Pupillary Distance?

By Patrick Conroy
Reviewed by Beck Jinnette
Beck Jinnette

Reviewed by

Beck Jinnette
Beck has over 17 years of experience in eye care, holding her Certificate IV in Dispensing in Australia.
Pupillary distance is the distance between your pupils. Learn how to measure PD in this article.

When placing your first order of prescription glasses online, you’ll likely come across some pretty specific language relating to the various measurements required.

If you’ve never actually had to read your prescription  before, some of the terminology used on it will probably be new to you.

One of those terms is pupillary distance, which simply refers to the distance from the center of your left pupil to the center of your right pupil.

Pupillary distance is measured in millimetres and is crucial knowledge when fitting corrective lenses. We’ll take you through the ins and outs of it in this article.

Why is pupillary distance important?

When creating prescription lenses, having the wearer’s correct pupillary distance (PD) is vital, as it allows the lens maker to determine the center of the lenses.

For the clearest and most comfortable vision possible, the distance between the center of the left lens and the center of the right lens should equal the distance between the wearer’s pupils.

Incorrect PD measurements, even if they’re only off by a millimetre or two, could be the difference between perfectly functioning prescription glasses and distorted lenses.

Each pupil needs to align as closely as possible with the center of the lens directly in front of it in order to achieve optimal vision correction.

If the lenses are created with an incorrect PD, the wearer will experience distorted, uncomfortable vision, and possibly headaches as a result. In this case, the correct PD measurement would need to be taken so the lenses can be realigned.


The ruler that eye care professionals use to measure pupillary distance is commonly known as a “PD stick.”

Single PD and dual PD

There are two different types of pupillary distance measurement; single PD and dual PD. The definition given earlier – the distance between the center of your pupils – applies to single PD (also called binocular PD).

There is only one value in this measurement, hence the name. For example, a binocular PD could be written as 61mm.

Dual PD refers to the distance from the center of each pupil to the middle of the nose, so there are two numerical values.

A dual PD of 31/30mm indicates that the center of the right pupil is 31mm from the middle of the nose, and the center of the left pupil is 30mm from the nose.

Monocular PD is another name for dual PD. The value of the right eye always comes first in monocular PD.

Either type of pupillary distance measurement will suffice when ordering glasses, but, it’s more common to use binocular PD. Dual PD is useful when ordering progressive lenses.

Reading glasses are an exceptional case, necessitating some simple subtraction. Take 3mm off your single PD or 1.5mm from each value of your dual PD to ensure your reading glasses meet your vision needs.

How to measure pupillary distance at home

Your pupillary distance can usually be found at the bottom of your prescription card, as your eye doctor or specialist measures it during a lens fitting.

However, eye doctors sometimes omit this detail from the prescription card they give to you and just keep it in their own records.

To avoid this, be sure to ask them to include it whenever you go for an eye test and a new prescription.  

Even if it’s not on your current card, it’s not a problem. It’s easy to measure pupillary distance yourself at home, and you can even take your pick from old-school and modern methods.

Use the app

Our free pupillary distance app is the fastest and easiest way to measure PD. All you need is a smartphone, a computer with a webcam, and a magnetic strip card. The app has voice instructions that will guide you through each step of PD measurement.

Use a ruler

If you don’t have access to the tools required to use our app, you can easily measure your pupillary distance using this approach. All you need is a millimetre ruler and a mirror.

Step 1: Standing in front of a mirror, hold the ruler flat against the line of your eyebrows or up to the bridge of your nose.

Step 2: Close your right eye. While looking straight ahead into the mirror, align the ruler’s zero mark with the center of your left pupil.

Step 3: Keeping the millimetre ruler still, close your left eye and open your right eye.

Step 4: Read the number aligned with your right pupil’s centre. This number is your first pupillary distance measurement.

Step 5: Repeat the process to ensure you get the most accurate measurement result for your left eye too.​​​​

If you are struggling to follow these steps, enlisting the help of a friend could make things easier. All you need to do is stand facing your friend and ask them to measure your PD using either a ruler or a millimetre tape measure. 

Both of you can repeat the steps outlined above, with your friend holding the ruler to the bridge of your nose and taking the measurement. During this, your friend must make sure they keep their head still and look straight ahead while they read the measurement.

Is there an average pupillary distance?

Pupillary distance is different for each individual. The average PD for adults is between 54 and 74mm. If your own PD measurement falls outside of the average adult’s PD range, there is no need to worry.

High or low, the number itself does not have any effect on your vision. What’s important is that it accurately reflects the distance between your pupils.

The average pupillary distance for children is between 41 and 55mm. Since a person’s pupillary distance changes with physical development, it’s important to consider that children may have different pupillary distances each year. Don’t take for granted that their PD measurement from a previous year will still be correct. 

If anyone knows how to measure pupillary distance, it’s your eye doctor. For the most precise reading possible, ask them to write it on your prescription card each time you or your child has an eye exam.

If you’re still unsure about any prescription-related issues, take a look at our helpful Optical Centre articles, or reach out to one of our certified opticians for help.

Prism Glasses

Prism Glasses

What are prism lenses? | How do prism glasses work? | Why do people see double? | Prism glasses for double vision

Prism glasses are used to treat binocular vision problems. This article explains how they work and what conditions they treat.

Prism glasses may effectively treat eye conditions such as double vision or other binocular vision difficulties. Our eye movements are controlled by six different muscles in each eye, and if one of these muscles is weak, it could cause eye strain, headaches, or even double vision. 

What are prism lenses?

Prism lenses may be prescribed by eye doctors but do not correct any refractive errors like farsightedness or nearsightedness, as they do not contain any focusing power. Temporary prism lenses, called Fresnel prisms, are made of vinyl and are attached to your eyeglasses.

This is an excellent option for those wanting to try prism lenses before getting permanent ones or if your double vision is temporary. More permanent prism lenses are usually made of plastic or glass, are wedge or triangle shaped and are infused into regular lens prescriptions. 

How do prism glasses work?

In order to see clearly, light entering the eye must focus on the retina, the area at the back of the eye where light images are translated and sent to the brain. When your eyes are misaligned, they don’t move accurately together, and images are formed on different parts of the retinas, causing double vision. 

Prism glasses compensate for this misalignment by bending and redirecting the light rays on the retina, aligning and producing a clear image. This bending of light improves eye alignment, helping you to see comfortably and prevent double vision.


Misalignment of the eyes is the cause of double vision.

Why do people see double?

Double vision, or diplopia, is a condition in which you see two of everything. Any misalignment of the eyes may cause you to see double, making it difficult to judge distances, read, and perform everyday tasks. Double vision may signify a more severe problem, so you should speak with your eye doctor if you experience it.

Prism glasses for double vision

Double vision can sometimes be treated with eye exercises, or your doctor may give you a temporary prism to attach to your glasses. If the temporary prisms help your double vision, prisms may then be added to your prescription lenses.

A prism bends the light before it travels through the eye and directs it to the right place on the retina, allowing the brain to fuse the two images together to produce one clear image. 

What do prism glasses look like?

If using temporary prisms, these are typically more visible as they are attached to your glasses. If your eye doctor prescribes prism lenses for long-term use, these prisms will be fused into your regular lenses. They will look the same as before, but the glass on one side might be thicker. If this is a concern, consider a thicker frame to hide it. 

What does a prescription for a prism look like?

Your glasses prescription will show you all of the details on the type of vision you have. Numbers indicate how strong lenses need to be and where they should be positioned within the frame.

If there is a number in the ‘PRISM’ portion of your prescription, you have a weak eye muscle that needs correction. The ‘BASE’ section will explain how the prism should be aligned. 

PRISM – diopters measure the amount of prism correction needed (from 0.5PD, 1.0PD, 1.5PD, and so on) and indicate how misaligned your eyes are. If the power required is high, it can be split into two since alignment is a function of both eyes. 

BASE– depending on your double vision, the prism is placed vertically or horizontally in one or both lenses. It may be on the outer edge of the lens (Base Out, BO), the inner edge (Base In, BI), or at the top (Base Up, BU) or bottom edge (Base Down, BD).

In the above prescription, between the axis and ADD value, there are the prism specifications. There are two main factors to highlight when you read your prescription with prism lenses:

  1. The first value will be indicated by a number between 0.5 and 5.0. This refers to the amount of prism correction needed. Some specialized labs can also produce prescriptions above 5.0.
  2. This number is then followed by B (base). The base is the part of the lens that will be thicker and indicate the direction of the prism. There is BO (base out), BI (base in), BD (base down), and BU (base up). 

How to order prism glasses online

Ordering prism glasses at SmartBuyGlasses is easy. After choosing the pair that best suits you, select your lenses. First, decide the type (distance, progressive, reading, or non-prescription). You will then be prompted to either fill in your prescription manually, upload it, send it later, or choose from your account. Below are the details for entering manually.

What does a prescription for a prism look like?

  1. Enter distance corrected under SPH for the left and right eye
  2. Astigmatism details go under CYL and AXIS
  3. PD* (pupillary distance)
  4. Select ‘add prism’ for a small fee and input the prism correction values

*PD is necessary to calculate correctly; an incorrect value can cause visual discomfort. You can get the correct measurement at your local optician or calculate it yourself with these easy steps in measuring your PD.

Ask our in-house opticians if you have any doubts about how to read and fill out your prescription online.

Prism lenses for daily life

Double vision can be uncomfortable and prevent you from doing everyday activities. Adding a prism to your lenses can restore your vision and improve your quality of life.

With an endless possibility of frame choices and an easy way to enter your prescription online, there is no reason double vision should continue impacting your life. 

What Is Rimless Glasses – Everything You Need to Know

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